Star Wars Awakens

May the Force of this Star Wars Ice Cream be With You

Try this ice cream, you must. Mmmm!

A New York based ice-cream shop, Ample Hills Creamery has some good news in store for Star Wars fans. The place offers two ice-cream flavours inspired by the series called the Light Side and the Dark Side. Star Wars Ice Cream

Even though the Light Side isn’t a thing that exists in the Star Wars fandom, the flavour of the ice-cream very much does. It includes marshmallow ice-cream with homemade crispie-clusters and cocoa crispies (because light cannot exist without a streak of darkness), among other things.Star Wars Ice Cream1

The Dark Side, which of course is a thing in the Star Wars universe, boasts of “ultra-dark” chocolate, brownies and cocoa crispies. For those in Brooklyn, New York, the ice-cream can be delivered to their homes in packs of four.

We recently talked about Star Wars-inspired Death Star shaped waffles, and now ice-creams are here to bring more joy to Star Wars fans -looks like the entire dessert front has been pretty much taken care of.

Source: Mashable



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